Calculate distances of paths in Google Earth, utilizing KML Files or copied data from the clipboard. The program employs the haversine formula to estimate distances between points on a spherical object. Although the measurements are approximate, preliminary tests indicate they closely align with Google Earth's built-in measuring tool. Additionally, work with multiple paths within files or clipboard content and automatically update the path's description with the computed distance, allowing for easy importation.
This application will measure paths in Google Earth, either saved in KML Files, or copied from the clipboard. The application uses the haversine formula to measure distances between points on a spherical object. These distances are approximate, but some test calculations I have made, show that they are in line with Google Earth's built in measuring tool calculations. The application handles files or clipboard KML containing multiple paths.
The application will also give you the option to automatically update the path's description with the calculated distance. The path can then be imported back into Google Earth.
- Measures Google Earth Paths either saved as KML files or copied from clipboard.
- Option to automatically update path descriptions with calculated distance
- Results in-line with Google Earth internal measuring tool